Quick Guide to Glide for Informational App Building
Information apps are a brilliant way to showcase any topic from Animals and Food, Romans and Egyptians, to Countries of the World!
Building in Glide is super simple.
This guide shows you how we at Make It Happen build simple Glide apps.
The Idea
Ok, lets start with the inspiring idea from the pupil.
AlphaBuddies it is!
As you can see its a simple list based app that we can represent easily in Glide.
The Design
We always start with a simple design on a sheet of paper - basic we know - but we find this works and helps us communicate the expanded idea with the pupils.
So, what did we design?
Super simple list of AlphaBuddies then when you click it takes you to a detail page.
The only information we need for this is the table we can enter into Glide with the letters, information and maybe a picture.
Getting Started in Glide
Ok, design done - lets login to Glide at www.glideapps.com.
When we create a new app in Glide it automatically creates an app showing Things and Categories - this is very similar to what we need!
So let us simply add our AlphaBuddies to the Things table in the Data page.
We use VectorStock and PixaBay for many free images.
Simple Edits for a Slick App
We do follow the keep it simple approach … so we make it work then slowly add more details and logic.
Pick the right columns … here we show the Image, Uppercase and Lowercase letters
Pick the right display … here we use ‘Card’ display
Disable editing (if not required)
Disable login (if not required)
Publishing our App
Is as simple as ABC … just click the following Publish button.
And here is the link https://alphabuddies.glide.page
Sharing with Make It Happen
To allow us to share this app on the Make It Happen Website, email info@makeithappen.club with the details of your Glide app and we can add you to our Glide Team for you to transfer the app and publish it onto our website.
We will publish it on our website.
To Infinity … and Beyond!
Ok, so our app is published but lets not stop there.
Let’s introduce some AI art into our masterpiece to make it even better.
Adding AI Art with Playground.com
There are many great tools out there for creating AI Art from simple text prompts - the one we use most often is Playground.com which offers hours of fun for free.
Playground gives you an interface to allow you to create all sorts of AI art using simple prompts.
Simple Prompt
Let’s use a simple prompt as we need some art for our app to show each letter, starting with A for apple - “a fun looking comic apple”
already looking good!
Using a Filter and more Images
Generate 4 images at a time
Experiment with Filters to see what they generate
Now we can download these images and use them in any Glide app we want!